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Which of the Following Types of Research Can Be Categorized as Primary Research

Primary Research Methods Explained

If you're looking for targeted, relevant data which is optimised for your specific needs, primary inquiry could be the solution.

What is primary research?

Chief research definition

Chief inquiry is data which is obtained first-hand. This means that the researcher conducts the enquiry themselves or commissions the data to exist nerveless on their behalf. Primary research means going directly to the source, rather than relying on pre-existing data samples.

This type of inquiry is especially relevant where the data nerveless needs to be specific to the context. For instance, a company may perform primary market research to discover customer perceptions of their make. This could non be collected from any existing data source as it is unique to the business.

Chief research tin can likewise help to position a person or company as an authoritative figure in the field. The research may then be quoted by other authors, who reference the original researcher as the source, farther increasing their position. Nonetheless, the researcher retains full control over the data, equally the data possessor.

You don't accept to be an skilful to conduct primary inquiry. Information technology can exist done by people at all levels, from students who require data for their university projects to market place researchers who want to gauge reactions to a new product.

Chief vs secondary inquiry – the differences

There are ii types of research: main research and secondary research. Every method of conducting marketplace research falls into one of these categories and it is of import to sympathize the difference betwixt the 2.

The central divergence between these two types of inquiry is that primary research is nerveless first-hand whilst secondary research is gathered from pre-existing studies.

Primary enquiry is likewise referred to as field research. It involves original research, which is carried out start-paw, ofttimes for a specific purpose. It tin be conducted through a range of methods including questionnaires or surveys.

Questionnaires vs surveys – what's the deviation?

One describes the prepare of questions you ask an individual, the other the process of collecting and interpreting data from many individuals. Know the difference?

Secondary research is too known equally desk research. This type of research relies on pre-existing data sources such equally company websites, articles and market enquiry reports. It is generally carried out at a desk, either offline (via books, research documents, etc) or online (via websites, pdf reports, etc).

Most market place inquiry will typically begin with secondary marketplace research. This is normally initiated by typing a query into a search engine and is used equally a cognition basis from which to conduct further investigations. One time it is established what data already exists, the researcher tin can then decide whether to go along with primary research or to delve deeper into secondary research.

Primary research is often seen every bit being more than valuable than secondary research as it answers a specific question rather than relying on second-hand information which was originally nerveless for another purpose. This means that main inquiry is mostly more conclusive than secondary research. Still, it takes more than fourth dimension to comport this type of research and is therefore more costly.

Types of principal enquiry

There are many ways of gathering primary research. The nearly suitable method will depend on the questions you want to answer and the problem you're trying to solve. The most common chief marketplace research methods are interviews, surveys, focus groups and observations.


Interviews take the form of a one-to-i or minor group question and answer session, which can be conducted over the phone or in a face-to-face environment. Interviews are most useful where a big amount of information needs to be collected from a small sample of subjects. Interviews are often used to obtain information from an expert near a specialist topic. This type of inquiry is highly personal, so follow-on questions can be asked to ensure clarity.


Surveys are nigh often conducted online and offer a user-friendly and cost-constructive solution where a response is required from a larger population. Questions are pre-written, offering the respondent little flexibility if their answer doesn't fit (making functionality such as skip logic essential) and response rates can be variable. The length of a survey is a delicate balance: if a survey is also long, participants may get bored and leave the survey incomplete. Yet, if the survey is brusk, not enough data volition be collected to class a full picture.

Focus groups

Focus groups are used to collect data from a small grouping of people who are often discipline matter experts in the topic of research. Discussion is initiated between the group members to discover their thoughts. This method is commonly used by businesses to gain insight into niche markets and larn about their customers.


Observations are carried out impartially, by simply observing an event and taking organised notes. In this method, there is no direct interaction between the researcher and the field of study. This method removes the potential bias which could be encountered during an interview or survey as the encounters observed are genuine reactions. Observations can be carried out by photographic camera or by a trained observer. This method is commonly used by toy manufacturers when testing their products on children.

Advantages and disadvantages of master research

Primary research has many advantages, although information technology is not the most advisable type of research for every situation. It is important to consider the individual requirements earlier deciding on the most appropriate enquiry method for the situation.

Advantages of primary research

Primary research methods offer a targeted approach to market research. This allows specific issues to be addressed, keeping the research completely relevant to the objectives and scope of the projection. This means that the research is specific to the individual market place, rather than the mass market.

This type of research too allows the marketer to take complete command over the methodology used, along with the representative sample size and the sample selection process. This helps to further improve the relevancy of the research to the person or arrangement.

Secondary research is often outdated and may no longer be accurate for the market the researcher is trying to target. Primary research guarantees that the information collected is upward-to-appointment and relevant, enabling accurate trends to be revealed.

Primary research also allows the person or organisation to control buying of the data. They may choose to release the information to enhance their position as an authority in the field, or they may choose to go on the information private to avert giving competitors an advantage.

Disadvantages of primary enquiry

The principal disadvantage of conducting principal research is the toll involved in the process. Secondary research can frequently be nerveless without price, whilst primary inquiry is more than involved, increasing the cost of obtaining it.

Primary inquiry tin as well be fourth dimension consuming to deport out, especially if a large sample size is required. The time required to finer plan principal research, behave it out and analyse the information is much greater than the time taken to deport secondary research.

Inaccuracy must too be deemed for. Respondents may exist biased based on their previous experiences with an organisation or may not fully understand a question on a survey, leading to misleading or inaccurate responses.

Using surveys as a primary research method

Surveys are a cost-effective method of sampling a big group of people. They involve a series of easy to answer questions which are mostly multiple option. This allows quantitative data to be collected and analysed past the researcher.

The multiple-choice questions can also be supplemented with open-ended questions to gather more detailed data and let thematic assay to be undertaken.

To sum up, main inquiry is a smashing option for individuals and organisations who need original data to run into a specific demand or to answer a particular question. It may be more than costly and time-consuming than using secondary data, but in many instances the benefits outweigh the associated costs.


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